In English world, you may usually get used to many greeting words in different time during a day. In Thai, we usually use one word to say hello during a day, most of you may already know and have heard this word, which is
For men, you should say "Sa-Was-Dee-Krab"
For women, you should say "Sa-Was-Dee-Ka"
Actually, there are "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", "Good Evening" and "Good Night" in Thai as well. These words had been used in the old time. In today world, we, Thai people, mostly say "Sa-Was-Dee" to greeting each other.
"Sa-Was-Dee" is used when we see each other once the first time of the day. No need to say "Sa-Was-Dee" every time you want to greet Thai people.
The most important culture of Thai people you need to know is that those who are younger have to say greeting to those who are older. And those who are older will then Sawasdee back to those younger.
I hope you'll find this site helpful for your Thai language learning experience. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
I'll soon add YouTube video to how to accent the word, please stay tune....
Again, thank you for reading this far, hope you follow this blog ^^
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